Inspiring excellence & innovation

From high impact teaching practices, the development of whole school data literacy that informs teaching and enhances learning, to the systems and structures necessary for successful teacher development, we have professional learning to support your school.

Professional Learning for Teachers


Measuring What You Value

With so much now expected of schools, this PL tackles the challenge of developing and measuring your impact on both learning and life attributes. This day brings together the dual priorities of modern education: literacy/numeracy outcomes and the development of 21st century learning dispositions, all fundamental if learners are to be prepared for a future that is largely unknown.


Inside the Dialogic Classroom

Students are not empty vessels to be filled. When teachers intentionally let students in on the secret of learning, the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘how did I go’, we position students as their own teacher. This PL experience guides participants in the development of a dialogic learning environment that challenges the imbalance of who is doing the talking in the classroom.


Data Literacy for Teachers

Schools are awash with data to the point that it is now part of the job. However, the question teachers find themselves constantly asking; ‘But, what’s the point?’. The issue is few teachers have been supported to learn how to use data so that it makes a difference to how they teach and how successfully students learn. Today, we plan to address this.


Overcoming the Gap Between Theory and Classroom Practice

The point of professional learning is exactly that: teacher learning. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. Across the day we confront this challenge by engaging teachers with a select group of high-impact teaching practices that research has proven accelerate learning. With this knowledge as our base, we then engage with practical strategies that will implement each, as we learn what they can look like in the classroom.

Professional Learning for Leaders


Customised Leadership Guidance and Mentoring

Every leader knows a school is only as successful as its teachers. Our partnership, committed to making good teachers great, will engage you with research informed processes, systems and professional learning experiences developed by PROGRESS Educational that are foundational to high impact teacher development, and sustained and improved student learning outcomes.


Bulletproofing Your Systems

We’ve all experienced it; you return from Professional Learning excited by what you’ve heard. However, soon after returning to school something happens; you are swamped, other agendas take over and innovation is lost. To ensure PL counts, and makes a difference for teachers and learners, we identify and investigate the organisational infrastructure necessary to enable high-impact teacher development.

Whole-School Review Models


Comprehensive Teaching and Learning Review and Recommendation Package

We engage all major stakeholders across your school community to identify the nature, and impact, of your current teaching and learning culture, and the school systems that support it, on student learning outcomes. Together, we then use this evidence as a springboard for future innovation, teacher evolution and learning success.


Whole School Annual Self-Review Day

True learning organisations are always looking for an edge, that thing that you can do differently that leads to an outcome never before achieved. What is your edge next year? This day positions your teaching community to find out. By engaging in deep, genuine and professional, evidence-driven reflection of your year’s impact, the possibility for innovation and improvement next year become clear.

Have a question for Travis, or need more info? Let’s chat.

Under no obligation, our preference is to spend time with you prior to delivering professional learning for teachers, or tailored leadership guidance, so that the partnership we develop is unique to your school.

When pursuing PROGRESS FOR ALL, All of the time, we believe time spent planning is time well spent.