Project Description


Identifying, developing and implementing an evidence-based whole school teaching and learning platform that captures high impact pedagogy and the teaching strategies that turn theory into practice.

Knowing, and committing, to what works best for learning

We explore in depth a series of high impact teaching practices including collaborative learning, questioning, feedback, teacher clarity, student agency and meta-cognition, that are proven to accelerate learning. With this knowledge as our base, we then investigate the complementary nature of these practices, and go deeper into each by identifying practical strategies that implement each in the classroom. This day supports teachers to reflect on their current practice; something rarely done in depth, before then engaging with a range of teaching practices that will deliver on high impact evidence-based research once teachers return to their class. (Click here for an A4 outline of the day to share with staff.)

“In recent years, there has been a growing consensus that successful outcomes for school students depend, more than anything else, on what happens inside classrooms. School leadership is important, but mostly because effective leaders create the circumstances in which teachers continue to learn and develop.” (Dylan Wiliam: foreword to Exploring Effective Pedagogy in Primary Schools, Siraj et al, 2014)

“The greatest influence of school leaders on improving student outcomes is their promotion of and participation in teacher professional learning.” (Robinson, Lloyd, & Rowe, 2008, The impact of leadership on student outcomes: An analysis of the differential effects of leadership types)

“The notion of ‘value add’; how much your actions add value to a child – be it attainment, progress, dispositions, 21C skills. For this to be identified it must first be measured.” (Exploring Effective Pedagogy in Primary Schools Evidence, from research by Iram Siraj and Brenda Taggart With Edward Melhuish, Pam Sammons and Kathy Sylva, 2014)

“Helping students master the learning process; bringing greater visibility to that process; leveraging the power of peer teaching; connecting the learning to students interests and aspirations; and continuously analysing and evaluating learning progress and choosing strategies based on that analysis.” (Fullan and Langworthy, 2014, A rich seam: How new pedagogies find deep learning)

“What happens in the classroom and the interactions between student and teacher are fundamentally important to a range of outcomes, be they academic, social or attitudinal.” (Stoll, L. & Fink, D. (1996). Changing our Schools: Linking School Effectiveness and School   Improvement, cited in Exploring Effective Pedagogy in Primary Schools Evidence, from research by Iram Siraj and Brenda Taggart With Edward Melhuish, Pam Sammons and Kathy Sylva, 2014)

Participants will develop a clear understanding of the research behind several high impact teaching strategies that, when delivered effectively, and under the right school conditions, lead to sustained and improved student learning outcomes. Taking this further, we will investigate the concept of effect size from Hattie’s groundbreaking meta-analysis of what works best in education.

With a clear understanding of the research, we will collaboratively identify teaching strategies that turn the theory into practice and that can be implemented in classrooms on your return. We will also determine how the effectiveness of these teaching strategies can be identified with a focus on student voice and pre and post assessment cycles.

This will all be brought together with the introduction of a lesson planning template that puts these high impact teaching strategies at the centre of teacher planning and delivery.

This professional learning experience will be successful when you leave with:

  • an understanding of the importance of effect size research
  • an understanding of the research behind a series of high impact teaching practices
  • practical classroom strategies that can be implemented at school on your return that will begin to implement each high impact teaching practice
  • a commitment to a small number of high impact teaching strategies that are priorities when planning
  • a commitment to monitoring the effectiveness of your teaching strategies for all learners

Have a question for Travis, or need more info? Let’s chat.

Under no obligation, our preference is to spend time with you prior to delivering professional learning for teachers, or tailored leadership guidance, so that the partnership we develop is unique to your school.

When pursuing PROGRESS FOR ALL, All of the time, we believe time spent planning is time well spent.