Engaging your school community, we identify the nature, and impact of your current teaching and learning culture, and the school systems that support it, on student learning outcomes. We then use this understanding as a springboard for future innovation, teacher evolution and student learning success.

Innovation: Moving from where you are, to where you aspire to be

Our comprehensive Review and Recommendation Package guides schools in their ongoing strategic pursuit of education’s overarching goal; sustained and improved student learning outcomes; PROGRESS FOR ALL, All of the time.

This comprehensive package, taking between 4-6 days, and providing a level of insight rarely captured, occurs in three phases:

We conduct an extensive evidence gathering process that engages leaders, teachers, support staff, students and parents to share their view of the school’s teaching and learning culture.

PROGRESS Educational synthesises this evidence and develops an Executive summary that captures key data themes, becoming the basis of recommendation process as your school’s Innovation Blueprint is drafted. Both documents underpin our collaboration as we identify your school’s aspirational, innovative teaching and leading opportunities, and the organisational infrastructure requirements necessary to support their development.

With a clear sense of both ‘where you are’ and ‘where you want to be’ our collaboration continues as we identify:

  • the nature of professional learning required to support teacher development across your school in line with your emergent whole school Teaching and Learning Platform that defines the high-impact teaching strategies that you have identified to make up your school’s instruction core
  • future delivery and engagement milestones and measures in the form of short-term and long-term goals that support the attainment of your Collaborative Action Plan priorities
  • your assessment capability at a whole school and classroom level
  • organisational infrastructure opportunities as you seek to enhance teacher development

A collaboratively developed and clearly defined Collaborative Action Plan and emergent Teaching and Learning Platform that captures who you are and what you aspire to become. A platform that we define as bulletproof due to the research that underpins it.

The platform values teaching and leading innovation and guides your school’s professional development process and the systems that support it. Due to its collaborative identification, the Teaching and Learning Platform is underpinned by long-term commitment across all levels of the school. This is particularly important given that genuine teacher and school innovation that impacts on student learning outcomes takes time, careful planning and ongoing support.

Andy Hargreaves summed it up well: “What we want for our students we should want for our teachers: learning, challenge, support and respect.”

At PROGRESS Educational we provide leadership, guidance and facilitation at all levels of this school collaboration and development process. Click here for a more detailed outline of the Review and Recommendation package.

“When the school is organised to focus on a small number of shared goals, and when professional learning is targeted and is a collective enterprise, the evidence is overwhelming that teachers can do dramatically better by way of student achievement.” Professor Michael Fullan, The Principal: Three keys to maximising impact, 2014.

“Effective teachers and school leaders are people who are driven to understand the impact of what they do on their students, and to use that understanding to keep improving.’ I would say this is an effective, albeit exceptional teacher or leader.” (Jensen, 2018, Combining curriculum and best practice teacher professional learning)

“The reason for engaging in evaluation is to understand program impact in the face of uncertainty. It provides the facts (as best they can be estimated) to help make decisions about how to structure programs, whether they should be expanded, whether they need to be adjusted along the way or whether they need to be stopped altogether.” (Centre for Education and evaluation, NSW state government, 2016, 5 Essentials of effective evaluation)

“Use the data as a starting point for both immediate and longer-term planning and adjustment of instruction explicitly linked to curriculum objectives and tailored to the needs of individual students.” (Hill, P. and M. Barber, 2014, Preparing for a Renaissance in Assessment)

The review and recommendation package will be successful when you can articulate the following:

  • your current teaching and learning culture
  • the level of student engagement, efficacy and agency within the learning process
  • your school’s newly identified Teaching and Learning Platform which clearly captures instructional core in the form of a select number of high impact, research-based teaching strategies
  • the level of teacher engagement and effectiveness with identified high impact teaching practices
  • whole school assessment practices that are effective along with areas for development
  • the organisational infrastructure that needs to be developed to support teacher development in line with the emerging Teaching and Learning Platform

Have a question for Travis, or need more info? Let’s chat.

Under no obligation, our preference is to spend time with you prior to delivering professional learning for teachers, or tailored leadership guidance, so that the partnership we develop is unique to your school.

When pursuing PROGRESS FOR ALL, All of the time, we believe time spent planning is time well spent.